Medical Assistance
Getting Medical Assistance When You Cannot Pay
If you live in Austin, you can try for the People's clinic, which has a sliding scale fee structure, but there is also a long waiting list there.
The City of Austin also has a M.A.P. Program (Medical assistance program), but only for city of Austin residents.
In whatever county you live, you have basically two options:
1. If you are in a lot of pain, you can go to the hospital ER room, and ask specifically for a social worker or patient advocate. You have to specifically ask for the social worker or patient advocate because otherwise they will not help you work out the financial stuff. The social worker will know what programs you will qualify for. This will be the quickest route, but only if you are really in a lot of pain. I would be up front with these folks about being transgender, but do write down your interactions with them in case someone doesn't behave. They may designate that only a certain hospital handles these kind of cases, so they may decide to send you somewhere else, but there should be a place to go:
In Travis county, this will be Brackenridge Hospital
In Williamson county, this will be Round Rock Hospital.
2. Failing number 1, you will have to call the county health dept. and ask for help determining what programs you might need help with. Again, I would be up front with these folks about being transgender, but do write down your interactions with them in case someone doesn't behave.